Lords' Haüs 2: The Sequel
Lords’ Haüs 2: The Sequel
In early spring of the year 2020, the world began to irreparably change forever. An event begins to throw governments across the globe into crisis. Eventually, all of humanity had to shelter in place to avoid the danger and risk of infection. This new plague is now known the world over as Lords’ Haüs. More than two years later as the dust finally starts to settle, the survivors of the first Lords’ Haüs are making plans to converge again on the sleepy town of Monroe Center, IL. The time is neigh.
Event Details
Lords’ Haüs 2 will take place March 10th - 13th, 2022 at Kilbuck Creek in Monroe Center, IL. Check in begins at 3pm Thursday, March 10th, 2022 and check out is at 10am Sunday, March 13th, 2022. In order to make up for lost time, this iteration will take place across three evenings. Unfortunately there will not be any partial/prorated bookings accepted.
The venue is about 90 minutes west of Chicago. We will work to plan carpools for all that need them, including those flying in.
Snacks, breakfasts, catered lunches and catered dinners will be provided. Please include food allergies or dietary restrictions with your registration. Booze and grass are all BYOB, so please plan ahead and bring whatever you like.
Amenities include an indoor pool & hot tub, living room bird cage, six bathrooms, one urinal, and more bunk beds than Heaven’s Gate. There will be ancillary activities throughout the event, all of which will be announced at a later date. The weather will be moderately more favorable, so there may be some opportunity for outdoor activities. If you would like to host an activity or have specific requests for events, please reach out.
Tournament Info
All events and notable rules are listed below. Please reach out if you have questions regarding these details.
- Classic EDH Pods (Alpha thru Scourge, no banlist, 6th edition rules, first mulligan is free, followed by London mulligan.)
- Cubes
- Two Headed Giant ‘95 (Alpha thru Homelands, 2HG rules, first mulligan is free, followed by London mulligan, only one of each restricted card allowed per team, only four of each non-restricted card allowed per team, excluding basic lands. Concact Bob to register your team.)
- Middle School (Swiss +1)
- Vintage (Swiss +1)
- The 2022 Lords of the Pit Championship (93/94 EC Rules with Top 8)
- Chaos Orb Trick Flips Contest (During Chmpionship Top 8)
- Casual formats all weekend: Cube, Eternal Chaos, Revised 40, Pioneer, Legacy, Biñho
Proxy Policy: Professionally printed proxies and playtest cards (markers on basic lands) are allowed. Please take pride in their presentation. All cards and sleeves must be indistinguishable when face down or shuffled.
Prize Draft
All participants of the 2022 Lords of the Pit Championship event must bring a prize valued of at least $20 for the prize pool. Creativity is encouraged. Some notable examples of the last prize pool included a power drill, a CE Mox Emerald, a box of Fallen Empires, mystery vinyl records, altered cards, booze, playmats, and much, much more!
Please also plan on bringing whatever cards you’d like to be stamped and signed by all attendees.
Space is again reserved to 35 participants. Registration will take place across three phases. Submit payment when your phase opens to secure any remaining spots. Attempting to register before you have been invited to will only result in being refunded. Being invited to register does not guarantee your admittance. This event will sell out. Current spots remaining: Zero. Please email [email protected] to inquire about the waitlist.
- Phase 1: Lords of the Pit in good standing - REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN
- Phase 2: Previous Lords’ Haüs participants - REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN
- Phase 3: Invited new initiates/friends of the club - REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN
Unlike all other Lords of the Pit events, there is no charitable component to Lords’ Haüs. This one is for the Lords. Fees exclusively go to the rental, catering and snacks.
Current Two Headed Giant ‘95 Teams
- Lord Moss & Lord Elleman
- Lord Dotterrer & Lord Castleton
- Lord Punts & Lord Friedman
- Wall & Quail
- James & Lord Agra
- Grissom & Finney
- The Brothers Grimm
- Oakley & Zinni
Pandemic Fine Print
For your safety, it is required to have had the COVID-19 vaccine prior the event. Beyond being vaccinated, proof of a negative test may also be required if deemed necessary.